The Magical Mermaid Coach

Ride the storm, set a new course and land on new shores where you can safely discover yourself, your gifts, your inner wisdom and ultimately, your next evolution.

The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells

The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells   Where did Daphne and the Smiley Shells come from? If you google Vicki Tongeman, you’ll find she is a Wife, Mother, Artist, Teacher, Author and a Coach! And that’s all before her role as a ‘Magic...

How To Turn From An Ugly Duckling Into A Swan

Do you remember the Fairy Story of the Ugly Duckling? The over-sized, clumsy chick who came out of a duck’s nest and grew up thinking there was something wrong with him because he didn’t look or act like his siblings and got made fun of? Eventually he left...

Use Your Subconscious Mind To Help with New Year Resolutions

Have you ever made New Years Resolutions and not kept them? Maybe not even started them? Me too! One of the reasons for this could be that we are trying to “start” a New Year in the last quarter of the old one….nature starts the year in Spring….but if setting goals...
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