The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells

The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells   Where did Daphne and the Smiley Shells come from? If you google Vicki Tongeman, you’ll find she is a Wife, Mother, Artist, Teacher, Author and a Coach! And that’s all before her role as a ‘Magic...

How to cope when your Child creates a Mess

One day I came home from the weekly shop to find my (then) 7 year old on a child’s step up at the kitchen counter. The first thing I noticed was flour and small lumps of dough smothering our dark grey, stick-on tiles, and the second thing was my son turning to...

How a Christmas Ad can help your child’s behaviour

Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m a bit of a softy for TV Ads…especially the heart-warming animated ones we get at Christmas. I also believe that if you’re going to tell a story (as the best adverts do), why not create a message that will make the world a...
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