More than a book – it’s a Campaign!
On the surface, “Daphne and the Smiley Shells” is a cute little story with beautiful pictures, all about a dolphin who gets laughed at by her friends, thinks she is clumsy and isn’t getting on very well at school. She may have some anxieties and seems to be heading for depression, her thoughts making life even worse for her than it already is. We journey with her as she discovers coping strategies and attitudes that slowly begin to transform her life so that it feels lighter, brighter and she feels and becomes more capable, attracting more positive people into her life.
But behind this cute little story is a Campaign, to gently get across to parents how they can support their child and help them reach their full potential.
How many times have you been in the Supermarket and heard a parent yelling at their child? Ok, we’ve all done it on a bad day, but how would you feel if you heard a child being told “you’re so selfish”! Or “you’re too stupid to understand” or even hear a parent talking over their heads “of course, he’ll never amount to anything”?
Maybe you would just brush it aside until you realised that everything we are told we are, we believe and become! Especially if we are under 8 years old or have the same message repeated again and again. Think about it…how many of us are still shy about talking to strangers or distrust someone we don’t know offering us something for free? Were you told “don’t talk to strangers” when you were a child? How many of us still think we are bad at art/spelling/sport because somebody told us so at school? And I come across so many older people who have crushing views about themselves and their abilities because dyslexia wasn’t dealt with well in schools back in the day.
Now, as parents, none of us are saints, and we will sometimes become impatient, that’s understandable in this full-on life we lead. So what I invite every parent to do is have some quiet time with their child(ren) and spend some time encouraging them to notice what a nice person they are (yes they can be sometimes!), what they have done well and how they have improved in one or more achievements.
Here’s a tip – if you want them to become better at something they’re not – tell them they are improving! This can work with both skills and behaviour – so whether you want them to be kinder to their sibling, tidy their toys or put their shoes on in time for school, you have the tools at your fingertips! Notice the tiny improvements and encourage them even when things go wrong. They’ll do better next time. And the more often a child begins to think well of themselves, the more confident they will become. They will be more prepared to take risks, to practise, and to keep away from unsupportive friends, recognising their own worth even if others don’t.
This can translate into improved prospects in school and work, better friends and relationships as they get older, and an understanding of their own worth so they will not put up with negative bosses, partners or friends. Isn’t this what we want for our children? To be happy and supported by their friends, partners and workplace? Fulfilling their potential? Of course there will be ups and downs, but that thinking and those beliefs you instil in them now will give them greater strength to cope and to create the life they really want.
“Daphne and the Smiley Shells” will give you the tools you need to give a child you love the gift of confidence.
If you think every child deserves this opportunity, please share information about this book and the activity included. If you know a child who would benefit from this book please purchase a copy. If you know a parent who wants to support their child, please purchase a copy for them.You could even donate a copy to your local school or library, so every child has an opportunity to take this story home.
Together, we can help future generations feel better about themselves, be more resilient, take charge of their own beliefs about themselves and create a brighter future.
Get your copy of Daphne and the Smiley Shells today and let’s change the world, one child at a time…

Vicki Tongeman
Vicki Tongeman is a Wife, Mother, Artist, Teacher, Author and Coach. She lives on the beautiful shores near the New Forest and loves walking and being mindful on the beach and in nature. Her friends call her the “Magic Mermaid” as she combines life changing coaching techniques with a sprinkle of Mermaid Magic!
As an NLP Practitioner and personal coach Vicki is passionate about helping people develop their inner self confidence and achieve their goals.
Lovely post Daphne and I’ve just ordered your book – sounds perfect for where we’re at right now.
All the best 😊