I Am Successful

How do I compare with the successful people around me? … I personally chose to “reframe” my image of myself, (That’s an NLP term for looking at things from a different angle) and realise that I too am successful.

Coaching Your Child To Be Their Best Self

Vicky Tongeman addresses your concerns as a parent. How would you like to be as a parent? How would you like your relationship with your child or children to be? How would you like to attune yourself to your child or children? Do words have power? We all know they do,...

Three Easy Ways To Love Yourself More And Why It’s So Important

We keep hearing this advice more and more …”love yourself so you can love others better”…”fill up your own cup so you can fill others”….”put your own oxygen mask on first”. If you’re a Mum or Business Owner (or both), with all the demands from...

What To Do When Things Don’t Go Your Way

  Here’s a story that I love, and that illustrates for me how I can choose to allow events to happen in my life, without getting emotionally affected by them. It’s an old Chinese proverb that I first heard on my NLP course… “An old and wise farmer...

Use Your Subconscious Mind To Help with New Year Resolutions

Have you ever made New Years Resolutions and not kept them? Maybe not even started them? Me too! One of the reasons for this could be that we are trying to “start” a New Year in the last quarter of the old one….nature starts the year in Spring….but if setting goals...
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