Feels Like Tug Of War

Feels Like Tug Of War   3 Things To Do When you Feel Like You’re in a Tug of War with Yourself, Work and Family I get it. I really do. Those times when you finally get down to some work and you’re interrupted by your child/partner/dog needing your attention...

What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail?

What Would You Do If You Knew You Couldn’t Fail? What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Take a few minutes to listen to my recent interview with Sunny Lamba from Flawthentic Me *** Sunny Lamba and Vicki talk about the challenges of being a...

Heart Centred Visionaries – Interview

Heart Centred Visionaries – Interview   Interview with Vicki and Hannah from Heart Centred Visionaries “Vicki Tongeman is an NLP practitioner, personal and business coach. She is passionate about helping people build their inner self confidence and...

The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells

The Story Behind The Story – Daphne and the Smiley Shells   Where did Daphne and the Smiley Shells come from? If you google Vicki Tongeman, you’ll find she is a Wife, Mother, Artist, Teacher, Author and a Coach! And that’s all before her role as a ‘Magic...
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